Interior Grade

These laminates are applied to create waterproof spaces that are exotic at an affordable price within residential and commercial areas. These laminates are specially made to help maintain the wet areas to be clean specially when used in wall paneling, shower areas, kitchens backsplash, etc.

ALFAICA offers these laminates as an alternative to tiles in various sizes, style etc. and are available on request.

Sizes 1220 x 2440 mm
Thickness 3 mm to 6 mm
Finishes Selection of Several Finishes
Technical Specification
Sr No Properties Unit Requirement as per EN438:2005 Alfaica Conforms
1 Thickness 3 mm (± 0.30 mm)
2 Length / Width 2440 x 1220 mm (± 10, -0 mm)
3 Density gm / cm³ > 1.35 1.45
4 Boiling water Resistance (max) Mass increase % Thickness increase % 4%
3 %
3 %
5 Wear Resistance cycles 350 (min) 400 cycles
6 Resistance to dry heat @ 180℃ Grade Not worse than 3
7 Dimensional stability % Max – “L”
% Max – “T”
0.3 (max)
0.6 (max)

8 Resistance to water Va-pour Appearance Not worse than 4
9 Cigarette Burn Resistance Grade Not worse than 3
10 Resistance to Crazing @ 80℃ in Oven Appearance Not worse than 4
11 Resis tance to Staining Appearance
Group 1 & 2
Group 3
Not worse than